Some tasks for improvements to documents:
- reference docs for automate commands actually document the different tokens that can appear
- duplicates this reference stuff in comments
user documentation
improve the getting started entry points, perhaps into several different documents with stories told from different perspectives:
- a quick worked-through example, with commands and output and very brief comments (links to more details) for a quick overview
- someone getting started on a new, blank project (like juicebot)
- someone pulling down an existing monotone-hosted project (like monotone's MonotoneProjectServer page; even a template for other projects to stick on their sites to help get users started, with links back to monotone doc for more details)
- someone looking to migrate an existing project from other-VCS to monotone
- someone looking to use multiple VCS's in parallel, perhaps while trialling them, via .cvssync or tailor
- source-code tour (see for a good example in another project)
- ... ?
A good writeup of similar ideas:
a "usage guide" document (or set of wiki pages, even) on common patterns, BestPractices, TipsTricksScripts, etc
- why you should commit before update, why you should pull and merge before pushing, etc
- a good description of how to use branching and propagate; see savannah #6523 and possibly using the BranchAnalogy
- njs (in particular) is constantly coming out with cool little shell snippets using "monotone list ..." and "monotone automate ..." commands.
advanced / internals documentation
- see for a beginning
- see BasicIoFormalization for some details and debate
- a definition of the whitespace normalisation that goes on
- a reference for the entitities that can be emitted (data type dictionary), either as a list or as a component of each command description
- see,Fri&sel=117#l194 for some more discussion
netsync theory and operational model (less so the specific bitwise wire protocol)
- how merging really works, and how to get specific results and fine-grained control over it, for advanced users
- document and draw rosters
- document the merge algorithm we use (straight-forward adaptation of the multi-*-merge paper gives a start, plus things like lifecycle, attrs, etc.) -- very useful for advanced users, too.